Honors Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Honors students present a research poster to fellow students and an Honors administratorThe Honors College promotes discovery, inquiry, and creativity-based opportunities through mentored research experiences. To that end, the Honors Summer Undergraduate Research Program (HSURP) allows students to work one-on-one with a faculty mentor or a research team to examine various research topics across many disciplines. Additionally, it is a great way to meet fellow honors students and participate in professional development workshops and social activities.

Program Dates

HSURP runs June 2 - August 1, 2025. A $2,500 stipend is provided  in two installments over the nine-week program.

Professional Development Workshops 

  • Resumes & Job Interview Skills
  • Maximizing the Library as an Undergraduate Researcher
  • Strategies For Increasing Success When Applying To Graduate And Professional Schools
  • Strategies for Making the Most Out of Undergraduate Research Conferences
  • Applying for Nationally Competitive Scholarships

Social Activities

  • VCU Outdoor Adventure Program
  • Museum and Park Visits
  • Pizza & Movie Nights

How to Apply
Each project is unique and may include running lab experiments, literature reviews, data collection and cleaning, web scraping, and statistical analysis. 

Students may view project descriptions and access the application here.

The priority application deadline is March 19, 2025. A letter of recommendation is required and an email request will automatically be sent to listed recommenders once the application is complete.

If you have questions, contact Dr. Jacqueline Smith-Mason at jsmithmason@vcu.edu