Guaranteed Admission Program for Medicine Requirements

In order to retain membership in The Honors College Guaranteed Admission Program for Medicine, all Guaranteed Admission students MUST: 

  • Graduate with University Honors. 
  • Submit their Honors College graduation application by the stated deadline (January 1 for May graduation; April 1 for August graduation and August 1 for December graduation).
  • Maintain a 3.5 GPA in prerequisite science courses taken at VCU (calculus; general biology w/lab; general chemistry w/lab; organic chemistry w/lab; and physics w/lab); transfer, AP/IB and repeat course grades are not used in the GPA calculation. 
  • Present a cumulative 3.5 GPA (based on all coursework attempted) at the end of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh semesters at VCU. 
  • Complete all prerequisites for admission to medical school (see list).
  • Complete the following core of courses: 
    • Two semesters of calculus
    • Two semesters of physics with lab, either PHYS 207/208 OR PHYS 201/202
    • Life Span Developmental Psychology: PSYC 304
  • Complete four of the twelve courses as outlined below:
    • Select one of the following:
      • Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (BIOL 402)
      • Quantitative Analysis with lab (Chem 309; Chez 309; taken in same semester)
    • Select three of the following 
      • Endocrinology: BIOL 524
      • Physiology: BIOL 411
      • Neuroscience: BIOL 448
      • Stem Cells in Disease and Therapy: BIOL 449
      • Biology of Cancer I:  BIOL 450
      • Immunology: BIOL 455 
      • Virology: BIOL 456
      • Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics: BIOL 540 
      • Human Basis for Molecular Disease: HONR 398 
      • Biochemistry II: CHEM 404 
  • Present a cumulative 3.4 GPA, with no grade below a C, in the “four of twelve” courses (see above); GPA is calculated on the first four taken. Repeat course grades are not used in the GPA calculation. 
  • If you wish to take required coursework from either an institution other than VCU or in summer session at VCU, then you must obtain advance permission from the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs. This includes the summer session between high school and college.
  • Students are required to complete the MCAT no later than August 1st of the year prior to the year you plan to begin medical school. Students must earn a total score of 508 or better overall.
    • Students who retake the MCAT must allow at least 8 weeks in between test dates.
  • Upon graduation and prior to starting medical school at the VCU School of Medicine, students are encouraged to participate in and successfully complete the VCU School of Medicine’s Summer Pre-Matriculation Program. 
  • Complete a minimum of 120 hours of approved health care related experience during each of the first three academic years (July 1 – June 30) and 60 additional hours to be completed during the fourth academic year (July 1 – May 1). Students are strongly encouraged to complete at least 75% of all clinical exposure hours at the VCU Health Hospitals and Clinics. 
  • Complete a one-semester (60 hour) clinical mentorship with a faculty member from the VCU School of Medicine during the third year of undergraduate study; to be completed no later than the end of the sixth semester of undergraduate study. 
  • Complete 50 hours of approved non-clinical community service each year (July 1 – June 30). A minimum of 16 hours must come from the fall semester, and a minimum of 16 hours must come from the spring semester. 
  • Engage in professional behavior at all times. Any institutional or legal sanction will result in dismissal from the Guaranteed Admission Program. 
  • Monitor your email daily during your entire undergraduate program, including summer sessions and breaks. If you will be (or anticipate being) without email access for more than seven (7) consecutive days, you must notify the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs of alternative ways of communication and provide the date when you will again have email access.
  • Register with AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service;
    • for an AMCAS ID number by May 15 of the year prior to the year you plan to begin medical school. This number must be reported to the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs by the stated deadline above.
  • Complete an AMCAS application for VCU and submit it along with official transcripts from all colleges and universities where you’ve earned college credit. These materials must be submitted by June 15 of the year prior to the year you plan to begin medical school. You must also provide the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs documentation of your application within five (5) days of submission. 
  • Once your AMCAS application is received by VCU and you are invited to complete the supplemental application, you must submit all requested materials – as delineated on your applicant portal – to the admissions office within 60 days or until September 15, whichever date is sooner. If your supplemental application is not received and complete by your deadline, your application will be rejected. Be advised that the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine uses the VCUSOM Applicant Portal as its primary communication method (; you will be able to log onto this site to complete your supplemental application. 
  • Meet with the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs every semester for academic advising. Students who fail to receive advising from the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs prior to the beginning of honors registration will be placed on hold for registration until they secure such advising. 
  • Attend all meetings of Guaranteed Admission students as directed by the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs, and meet with the Director upon request.
  • Attend GMED Orientation Day as a 4th year student. During this annual fall event you will receive your letter of admission, interact with current med students, visit classes, and speak with many of our deans while learning about the VCU School of Medicine curriculum and financial aid options. From that date, you will have two weeks to respond to the offer of admission, including payment of your matriculation fee as detailed in the acceptance offer. 
  • Meet with the School of Medicine Guaranteed Admission Program Faculty Liaison in-person at least once a semester. Student meetings in the fall and spring semesters will be scheduled by the students and in accordance with availability of the Faculty Liaison. Semester meetings must be at least four calendar months apart from each other. Students who are studying abroad or who are otherwise unavailable in-person must notify the Faculty Liaison to make alternative arrangements. 
  • Student records will be reviewed every semester to determine compliance with the requirements. If a student fails to complete the requirements, this will result in dismissal from The Honors College Guaranteed Admission Program for Medicine.