Guaranteed Admission six-year Pharmacy Program Requirements
In order to retain membership in the Honors College Guaranteed Admission 6 year Pharmacy Program, all Guaranteed Admission students MUST:
- Remain an active member and in good standing with the VCU Honors College, completing at least 25 engagement points a year during undergraduate studies
- Complete Chemistry 101 and lab with a “B” or better through an accredited college or university the summer prior to fall matriculation of undergraduate studies. Earned college credit in high school for chemistry may also be used for this requirement provided it meets guidelines from the VCU School of Pharmacy.
- Maintain a cumulative 3.5 GPA at VCU with no grade below a “C”. Transfer, AP/IB and repeat course grades are not used in the GPA calculation.
- All VCU coursework must have an earned course grade. The pass/fail option may not be used during undergraduate studies.
- Successfully follow and complete the approved 60 credit hour course plan during two years of undergraduate studies with guidance from the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs. If college coursework from high school is eligible then course substitutions may be used with approval.
- Successfully complete PHAR 201 (offered in the spring semester).
- If you wish to take required coursework from either an institution other than VCU or in summer session at VCU, then you must obtain advance permission from the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs.
- Students are strongly encouraged to complete a Pharmacy Technician Certification program.
- Complete a minimum of 30 hours in healthcare experience each year. Consult with your Honors advisor regarding acceptable activities; exposure to pharmacy settings is strongly encouraged.
- Complete a minimum of 10 hours each semester in community service, non-healthcare related.
- Attend a minimum of one Pharmacy Preview Day during undergraduate studies.
- Complete an electronic application using PharmCAS and submit it by January 15 of the year that you plan to begin the pharmacy program. Complete a supplemental application, available from the Admissions Office of the School of Pharmacy.
- Engage in professional behavior at all times. Any institutional or legal sanction will result in dismissal from the Guaranteed Admission Program.
- Monitor your email daily during your entire undergraduate program, including summer sessions and breaks. If you will be (or anticipate being) without email access for more than seven (7) consecutive days, you must notify the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs of alternate ways of communication and provide the date when you will again have email access.
- Meet with the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs every semester for academic advising. Students who fail to receive advising from the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs prior to the beginning of Honors registration will be placed on hold for registration until they secure such advising.
- Attend all meetings of Guaranteed Admission students as directed by the Director of Guaranteed Admission Programs, and meet with the Director upon request.
- Student records will be reviewed every semester to determine compliance with the requirements. If a student fails to complete the requirements of the Guaranteed Admission Program for Pharmacy, this will result in dismissal from the Honors College Guaranteed Admission Program for Pharmacy.